Monday, March 29, 2010

6 months old

Emily finally rolled and I wasn't there to see it.  I woke up one morning to the sound of her jib jabbering away and when I got to her crib she was on her belly.  Ever since then I have tried to make her roll again and she always gets that arm stuck, I even filmed a 10 minute video of her trying so hard to roll but to no avail. 

Feeding time is going alot smoother and her taste buds are expanding, we find that at this time Emily likes sweet peas, sweet potatoes, carrots, pears, and vanilla pudding with bananas.  Of course, she doesn't like bananas by themselves and she doens't like her rice cereal anymore, that along with chicken makes her gag.  My mom made bluberry muffins and grandpa had to let her taste the soft bread, which she loved, it was so funny watching her open her mouth in anticipation of another bite.

Emily has found her voice and is now using it daily in a series of high pitch squeals that range from quiet to loud when she gets excited.  She is still blowing bubbles and soaking up those bibs with them, it feels as though I go through a hundered bibs a week.  That pesky tooth still hasn't shown up yet so we are still having some fussy nights but nothing mommy can't handle right now. 

Another milestone Emily hit is sitting up for a longer period of time by herself.  We still have to watch her because she falls over but not as fast as she was before.  She can probably sit unassisted for about a minute.  Emily's nonna put her in her walker the other day and she loved it, but she can only go backwards.  This backward motion will probably last a couple of weeks before she gets a hang of going forward and then she'll be knocking into walls in time.  This is the age where milestones happen quickly and the most exciting and funniest things come about. 

Emily and I stayed with my parents Saturday and she got to sleep with them, when they woke up in the morning both of them said it sounded like she said "daddy".  We are practicing mamma and dadda right now, but everytime I say it to her she just looks at me and smiles. She either thinks I'm playing with her or that I'm just a crazy lady who makes weird faces and sounds.  Emily likes when mommy sings her songs like "Old McDonald and Mary had a Little Lamb.  I've started sing her the ABC's in hopes that one day she'll learn them before entering school.  I have high goals for her, but I'm sure all mothers do for their children.

Developing news this week, Emily will find out whether she will be having a brother or sister and she will be going in for her 6 month checkup, so stay tuned for all the great news to come.

Dancing with Apa

Emily loved the flowers

Showing Emily the pretty wildflowers

Grandma the photographer didn't tell me I had the flower in her face

Mommy and baby


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