Thursday, March 11, 2010

Teething is a B!@#%...wait Mommy doesn't say those words

For the past couple of days, Emily's teething has gone from bad to horrendous. Either her tooth is going to cut in really soon or I have much more of this to deal with.  She usually goes to bed around 8:30pm and then wakes up around 5am, but lately she has been going to bed at 8:30pm and then waking up at 11pm and then again at 1am.  From this point on she stays asleep until I have to wake her up at 6:30am to dress her for the babysitter.  Brian has been on turnaround since the 1st of March and wakes up at 4:30am to get dressed for work, which means mommy is only getting about a couple of hours of sleep at a time. 

I usually rock her to sleep in our rocking chair since it soothes her and helps her fall asleep faster, but some days she just does not want to go to bed and instead will try and bite my face off.  Actually, this is her way of telling me that her gums are in pain and she needs some relief.  It feels so funny when she grabs a hold of you and them plants her mouth on your face, I can't help but laugh.  I think I've mentioned this before.

Not only do her little gums hurt, but all the saliva she is producing combined with her constantly having her hand in her mouth results in gas pains in her belly.  Yet another reason why she wakes up yelling at night for mom to come and help.  Gripe water tends to work really well, but she hates the taste of it and ends up spitting half of it out of her mouth, so she's only getting half a dosage lest I overdose her on an herbal supplement.

Needless to say, I'm tired!!!  I can't help but cry sometimes out of sheer exhaustion especially since baby #2 is sucking the life out of me as we speak.  By the way, I think I feel flutters, how exciting!  Then the excitement goes away and I think of when Emily was inside me doing somersaults leading me to get less sleep at night.  When things get too crazy I only have to remember to thank God for my good fortunes and wonderful family and I somehow get the strength to move forward.


Alyssa C. said...

Oh dear!! So sorry. Hope the teething ends soon so you can catch some zzzs - Alyssa C.

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