Thursday, March 4, 2010

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'

Emily is now 5 months old as of February 25th and she has happily discovered her feet.  Every time she is on her changing table she grabs those feet of hers and tries to put them in her mouth.  She has succeeded on a couple of occasions, but for the most part, her belly gets in her way.  Another milestone this month, not quite achieved yet but almost there, is rolling, hence the title of this entry.  Emily is great at rolling from her back to her side but can't quite get her arm to tuck underneath her, so this prohibits her from making a complete roll.  Practice makes perfect and we practice everyday until she gives me that tired look.

Almost a month ago, Brian and I bought her a jumperoo to play in and she loves it.  From the beginning, she could never quite get her feet to touch the ground so we had to simulate the jumping motion for her.  Today though, she can touch her the tips of her toes to the floor and once she gets the motion going she can jump all by herself.  It's so cute and she is so proud of herself.  Those legs of hers are getting stronger everyday.  She has a small play table that she has to stand at and she can now stand for about 20-30 seconds without her knees giving out.  YAY!

Emily hasn't gotten any teeth in yet, but I'm hoping they are coming in shortly, her teething is getting worse.  She puts everything in her mouth that is of reach and that's including my face.  It cracks me up, it is so hilarious, but the laughing goes away when the pain doesn't let her fall asleep.  Then mommy has to do something about it.

In my last post I put up pictures of Emily with her first cookie, well it seems that when she stays with Grandma and Grandpa Gonzalez that there are many other foods that they try to give her as well.  I hear she likes tortillas, oatmeal, and oranges, but doesn't like garlic bread.  Don't worry, she is always supervised and she never really eats it, she just tastes the food.  Even daddy has gotten in on it and has started dipping his finger in sauces and then letting Emily lick it, her face immediately lets you know if she is satisfied with the flavor.

Anyway, I'll get to the good part, here are some recent pics of her and her lovely feet.

My chubby baby!

Look at those yummy legs!

The bald spot is from Emily moving her head back and forth as she wakes up.

I had a tough time taking a picture by myself, this is the best I could do.  She looked so cute!

Standing at her play table.

Grandma giving Emily bread at Johnny Carino's.


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