Friday, November 19, 2010

Playtime at Nonna's House

Mom is huge!  Very prego!

She loves playing in the blankets

Grandpa is feeding Emily dessert

My first ponytail

Avery looks like she has lots of hair

Emily loves sister

Hello? Who is it?

She loves to throw plastic balls to hear the sound they make when they bounce on the floor

Reading time with mom

That is her favorite book at Nonna's house

Being silly...she never liked pacifiers

Playing with Auntie Alyssa's webcam

Sweet girls!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sick, Sick, Sick

This past week has been so hard because all the girls in the house are sick and very congested.  Mommy probably has a chest infection and Avery and Emily have variations of the cold. 

Avery went to the doctor first and weighed in at 10 lbs. 8 oz., she's getting bigger.  The doctor said she has a cold and there really isn't anything to do for it but give her Pedialyte to stay hydrated.  The congestion is really horrible sounding and she has developed a cough, but she doesn't have ear infections and her lungs sounded clear.  I guess it's all in her sinus cavities.  Poor baby, I feel so bad when I have to suck the mucus out of her nose with that blue bulb, she cries ever time and I can never get as much mucus out as I would like.  It drives me nuts.

Emily went to the doctor today and weighed in at 23lbs. 2 oz.  Wow, no wonder she feels so heavy, I better be getting some buff arms from carrying her so much.  The doctor said Emily also has a cold but it is a virus that is going around which has also caused her voice box to become inflammed.  Emily has a hoarse voice and can't yell because of it.  She also has the runniest nose and hates to have her mucus sucked out as well.  She will let you use the bulb a couple of times but once she's done, she is done, don't go trying to get back in there.  Emily got a perscription for her congested so we at least got something out of that appointment.  I was so proud of her.  The last time we were at the doctor's office was at her 12 month appointment and she was so uncooperative.  I had to be weighed with her to get some sort of measurement.  Today she actually sat on the scale and right as we were done is when she teared up a bit.  When the doctor came in she was fine, it wasn't until she started checking her ears and throat that she started to freak out and I had to hold her down.  After that she was great and even threw the doctor some kisses.  When the doctor was checking her throat I noticed another tooth came in towards the inside of her mouth.  I'll check on it later to write it down in her baby book.

I am hoping my girls and I get better soon.  I will be taking them to see Santa at the mall and I would hate for boogers to be dripping down their noses while taking pictures.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Avery at 3 Months Old

Avery turned 3 months old today and she is more alert and interactive.  My little one knows when you are talking to her and will speak back to you in her oohs and aahs and goos.  I love when she talks to me...her eyes light up and her body starts to move with excitement.  She has the funniest facial expressions and moves her eyebrows up and down a lot.  She has recently discovered her hands and will look at them in amazement while she opens and closes them.  Her hands also go straight to her mouth when she is hungry and she will suck on them until grows tired of the fact that she isn't getting anything out of it. 

Avery also notices objects that move and will turn her head to look at them.  Her neck muscles have become stronger and she is now able to hold her head up for long periods of time without you holding on to it.  She also has the biggest and most gorgous smile that will melt your heart when your eyes lay upon it.  Although she is 3 months she is just now starting to grow out of her newborn clothes.  Avery is definitely petite and will be my small child compared with Emily who is slightly above average for her age.  Speaking of Emily, Avery has taken notice of her sister and will smile at her when she comes around.  Now that she can sit up with the help of a pillow, Emily likes to come and touch sister and give her kisses.  It is so sweet!

The Sticker Queen

Emily is learning how to do arts and crafts at her preschool so I decided it was time to introduce them to her at home as well.  I bought her a set of crayons and a Dora the Explorer coloring book.  She doesn't quite know how to press down on the crayon hard enough because she holds it as if it is so delicate.  Emily isn't interested in coloring so much as she is trying to hold all eight crayons in one hand and run around with them.  It's a good thing they are washable crayons.  In the front of the coloring book is a page of stickers which I got out and started sticking on Emily.  She loved it, her little problem solving mind tried to learn how to pull off and re-stick the sticker somewhere else.  She is a hoot!

Dora stickers for Emily

Tyring to eat the stickers

Learning how to place stickers on her hand

Monday, November 8, 2010

My First Walking Boo-boo

As Emily learns how to walk I am ever aware of the bumps and bruises that will come each time she falls.  So far, Emily has done an excellent job of not getting hurt when she hobbles around the house or the yard.  Lately she has taken to try running before perfecting her walk which recently led to her falling on her face in the driveway.  Emily likes for me to chase her and then pick her up and swing her in the air.  It is the best game ever and as we arrived home from daycare she started to run down the driveway.  She ran so fast she fell but it wasn't a bad fall.  As she looked back to see me coming for her she tried to get up too quick to start running again and she slipped right onto her face.  Boy did she cry and cry.  She cried so hard she wore herself out and fell asleep.  Poor baby!  She scraped her nose and a small part of her cheek and hand, I just thank God that she didn't break her nose.  These boo-boos are the first of many to come.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

Halloween has come and gone and we had a great weekend and lots of pictures to prove it.  Emily didn't trick or treat this year, but mommy and daddy plan on taking her and Avery next year on a wagon through the neighborhood.  Although Emily didn't get any candy she dressed up in her costume and helped mommy and daddy pass it out to all the cute kids in costume.  For a moment, Emily wanted to go along with them and mommy had to chase her down the sidewalk.  She sure has become fast after only learning how to walk a few weeks ago.  Baby Avery was sleeping throughout the whole thing but she did get to dress in her Halloween onsies and I got cute video of her talking to her bears on her mobile.

Our first carved pumpkin

The German and the Sailor Girl

Emily in her scardy cat shirt

Avery has daddy under her spell

Mommy all dressed up

Getting ready for the trick-or-treaters

Silly girl

Reading a book while waiting

My little duck