Friday, October 18, 2013

After School Fun with Dad

Daddy started picking up the girls after school to spend time with his princesses.  He has started a new and probably dangerous tradition of taking the girls to Dairy Queen and giving them a treat.  So now every time mommy picks them up they ask, "Where's daddy?"

Emily's 4th Birthday Party

Emily had  wonderful time at her birthday party with all our family and friends.  We were really worried about the weather because as always September in South Texas is unpredictable.  It is either too windy, raining, storming or steaming hot.  Emily's first birthday party had to be moved to another facility because it was storming all day and at her second birthday party it was really windy outside.  Leading up to her fourth birthday party we had rain all week but it cleared out just in time to have our loved ones join us for the day.  This year Emily chose her theme as Princess so we got a princess pinata and a princess cake.  Lately Emily has been interested in taking pictures with mom's camera or phone so I added some of the shots she took of family members.  The image quality is blurry because she moves as she snaps the picture but I wanted to keep some of her first photos in case she becomes a famous photographer some day.  For her birthday she received many wonderful gifts and I was excited when she opened up the present we gave her because we got her very first camera.  She has been prancing around the house taking pictures of objects she finds interesting, mostly pictures of the television when watching her favorite shows. Thank you to all who came out to celebrate our princesses birthday!  I also have to say that I am so happy Emily let everyone sing "Happy Birthday" to her without shying away or crying.  Yay!  Glad we passed that phase.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Emily Turns Four

I always start out these posts with "it always amazes me.." or "I can't believe..." but all those statements are very true.  Emily has now turned four and every time I look at her I have to stop and imagine her as a baby.  I look at Emily and Avery and how different they are from each other.  They each have very different interests and react differently to things.  At four years old Emily is a free bird who loves to dance but hates to have people watch her dance.  All the songs she picks to dance to are fast paced fun songs that are usually the introductory to the current shows she is watching, which are Horseland, Strawberry Shortcake, Bubble Guppies, My Little Ponies, and Barbies Dreamhouse.  When I catch her dancing she tells me to stop looking at her but she is actually a great dancer.

Along with being a great dancer she has a fantastic memory and memorizes everything from the songs she dances to the songs she learns at school.  She always shocks me when she starts singing a song that I learned when I was a child.  I can't always remember the words but she helps me remember by filling in the blanks.  Emily remembers lots of stories, rhymes, and songs.

Our princess is now a preschooler and is learning many things in her class.  When she was younger she would cling to me and cry when I dropped her off at school.  Now if I don't request a kiss and a hug I don't get one, she just runs into her class with her peers.  Currently Emily is concentrating on her alphabet and her writing skills.  She gets a little confused on the B and D as most of us did as children, but it is so great to see her tracing work that she does at school.  Emily is also leaning how to write her name.  She knew before this month that her name started with the letter E, but now she knows there are more letters in her name.  I wrote her name on a piece of paper in capital letters and she corrected my spelling because my I did not have a dot over it.  I was so proud that she knew recognition of letters in her name.

Daddy recently bought the girls some parakeets as pets, whom we call Phil and Pete.  Brian picked the names because the girls could never pick one.  Avery loves the birds but Emily, true to her nature, is scared of them.  She is my scaredy cat child and will not go near the birds unless they are in their cage.  Anytime Brian takes the birds out to roam around the house she quietly runs into her room, shuts the door and will not come out until they are back in their cage.  Likewise with the dogs, she will not play in the back yard unless mommy comes with her which is why we haven't gotten the girls a backyard play set.  We will get one soon because I want one for the girls but Brian refuses to spend tons of money if the girls won't go out to the backyard without being afraid.

Since Emily turned four years old it calls for a wellness checkup and vaccinations.  I learned at Avery's three year wellness checkup that Emily would need four vaccinations so I was dreading this moment the whole month.  I prepared Emily for what the doctor was going to do to her so she wouldn't be scared.  At first she was excited about the checkup but as we got closer to the office her fears started to come out.  I was nervous about taking Avery with us since I wanted to focus on Emily, but she was actually helpful at calming her sister.  Both girls got their flu mist as well this time around.  Emily weighed in at 39 lbs. and is 42" tall.  She did very well with the doctor and did absolutely fantastic when she received her shots.  They did two combination shots so she got only two pokes but taking into consideration her past reactions at the doctor's office she did amazing.  The nurse also commented on how well she did as she remembered Emily as a baby.  After thirty seconds of crying, a lollipop and a sticker we were on our way home.  I was so proud of her behavior.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fun at the Texas State Aquarium

Mommy and daddy took a day off work to have playtime with the girls.  We took the opportunity to take them to the Texas State Aquarium while the crowds were away.  It happened to rain while we were there but lucky us, we were having lunch at the time.  The rain shower created "muddy puddles", actually water puddles, that the girls loved jumping through and getting their shoes wet.  Every time Emily and Avery go to the aquarium they like it more and more.  I didn't get pictures of the first hour we were there where Avery touched a shark in the hands-on center and the girls watched an otter play in his habitat.  Both girls loved the dolphins and daddy loved the Hurricane Simulator.  Emily took interest in taking photos with my camera which made my memory run out.  Inside the aquarium there was a point where the girls got very excited and I went over to see what the commotion was about, only to see that they had found Nemo and his friends.  Apparently they were looking for him all along and when they finally found him they were ready to go home.  I'm just glad we didn't find Nemo at the beginning of our adventure. We had a great time despite the rain shower making it humid outside.  Next time we come I plan on taking the girls to the splash center where they were begging me to take them, unfortunately I didn't bring along their swimsuits.