Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fun at the Texas State Aquarium

Mommy and daddy took a day off work to have playtime with the girls.  We took the opportunity to take them to the Texas State Aquarium while the crowds were away.  It happened to rain while we were there but lucky us, we were having lunch at the time.  The rain shower created "muddy puddles", actually water puddles, that the girls loved jumping through and getting their shoes wet.  Every time Emily and Avery go to the aquarium they like it more and more.  I didn't get pictures of the first hour we were there where Avery touched a shark in the hands-on center and the girls watched an otter play in his habitat.  Both girls loved the dolphins and daddy loved the Hurricane Simulator.  Emily took interest in taking photos with my camera which made my memory run out.  Inside the aquarium there was a point where the girls got very excited and I went over to see what the commotion was about, only to see that they had found Nemo and his friends.  Apparently they were looking for him all along and when they finally found him they were ready to go home.  I'm just glad we didn't find Nemo at the beginning of our adventure. We had a great time despite the rain shower making it humid outside.  Next time we come I plan on taking the girls to the splash center where they were begging me to take them, unfortunately I didn't bring along their swimsuits.  


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