Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter 2011

This Easter was wonderful and it was exciting to see all of our family from near and far and enjoy all the celebrations.  Emily is at the age now where she could Easter egg hunt so we had three that she participated in this year.  She learned really quickly to pick up the colorful eggs and place them in the basket, and she also learned how to open the eggs.  After one or two opened eggs to realized that there were goodies inside that she liked to eat, especially chocolate.  She kept signing for more and more chocolate.  Avery and Emily got some wonderful baskets from Ama and Apa with nice presents inside and some really great outfits from their Nonna and Papaw.  Mommies camera was down but I did get some nice shots of the brand new Jeep riding toy that daddy bought for his girls.  Emily was so excited about her new toy but she is still trying to figure it out.  She loves riding in it but doesn't understand how to keep her foot on the accelerator to go at a constant.  She'll grow into it really soon and I'm sure Avery will love to ride with her big sister.  Here's hoping Avery won't want one for herself anytime soon.

Daddy put the girls brand new Jeep together

Daddy helps Emily in her new Jeep

Emily helps Avery to her seat

Checking out the controls

Emily at 19 Months Old

Emily Mae is a bright, shining light and is ever so smart.  It is amazing at how much she observes and then mimics what she has seen.  This new found love for watching people is great for learning but it can also be rather tumultuous at times when bad behavior is observed.  One "bad" learned behavior she picked up on at school is wrestling.  Emily loves to push people down and then jump on them.  Wrestling is fine with mommy and daddy but when it's done with smaller kids at school or with baby sister it can be a bad thing.  Avery does not like to be pushed down by her big sister. 

Another behavior we are trying to help rid of is biting.  At first we thought Emily was biting because of teething issues or trouble showing emotions.  Lately she has become increasingly unpredictable when it comes to biting.  Sometimes she will bite when another child takes a toy or when there is peace within the group.  Her teacher has to watch her closer now so she doesn't get sent home for another biting incident.  After three bites in a day mommy or daddy has to pick up their child.  I'm hoping it gets better as she is getting older and will eventually grow out of the habit.

Emily still loves to put things together and take them apart.  She will watch how someone closes a bottle or snap a conenctor and then will try it herself, most of the time with success.  Then she will ask to do it again and again.  Even at school she will strap herself in her seat.  Emily is a fast learner.  Speech is getting better and better.  Emily's vocabulary is still growing and she is still using her sign language.  Now she is using the vocabulary she has and pairing it with gibberish.  This is her way of starting sentence formation and trying to better communicate through words.  It sounds so funny and you can't help but laugh.  It's a little daunting at times trying to figure out what she wants or is trying to show us but with a little patience we eventually understand.

Tantrums are in our midst but I must say, compared to other children I've seen, Emily's tantrums are mild.  When she doesn't get what she wants she calmly lays on the floor and stares at you.  I let her have her tantrum and then try and redirect her to something else to take her focus off of what she isn't getting.  This tactic works really well right now and I'm hoping it keeps working for us in the future.  As far as mommy is concerned, Emily is a wonderful child and is such a joy to be around.  We lover her more and more each day and can't wait for her to show us all the new things she's learned.

Drinking from the water hose
Cool shades...ready for a day at the park.

Avery at 8 Months Old

Avery is at the point in her life now where she is starting to learn how to crawl.  She gets a little frustrated when she is on her belly because she can only go backwards but she is such a determined baby.  She can now go from a sit down position to a crawl position by leaning forward, which she usually down when something she sees something she wants.  When an object is in front of her she will try with all her might to grab the object.  It may take her a while, but by golly she is going to get at it.  We have to watch her all the time otherwise she is grabbing at everything and anything that is near her.  It is amazing at what those tiny little hands will catch and grab.  I especially have to watch Emily, since we are trying to teach her how to share, sometimes she will give Avery some small crackers or fruit snacks that can be a choking hazard.

Avery now has two bottom teeth and will soon be getting her top two front teeth.  Her eating habits are changing and she is trying new solid foods while still eating her soft baby food.  The other day we started giving her yogurt bites which she likes, but she what she really likes are baby cookies, but they make me nervous because she can bite them into pieces.  So I got her baby rice cakes instead.

A milestone we are getting close to are the words "mama" and "dada".  As of yet, Avery has only said gagaga and other baby sounds, but I know any day now she will be saying mama or dada.  Just the other day she said nana so I am hoping to hear her say mama really soon.  She is so funny when it comes to her babbling.  Sometimes she will look at Emily and then babble something as if trying to start a conversation.  Emily will just look at her and then start to laugh which then gets Avery laughing.  I think Avery knows how to get Emily going, she is so smart.

Allergies are finally under control but I'm not convinced they are completely gone.  After a bad cough for three or four months, her doctor finally gave her some antibiotics which seemed to have helped.  Other than the occassional sneeze or cough she doesn't have any congestion and sounds clear.  Being able to breathe better also means she is sleeping better.  Avery can now sleep all night long and only wake up in the morning for her bottle.  She usually goes to bed by 8pm and is up between 5 and 7am for her morning bottle.  This makes mommy and daddy very happy.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Lovely Avery

Two in a Tub

It's easier on mom to take both girls a bath together instead of separately, it saves time and water.  Avery is great at sitting up on solid surfaces but she isn't ready to sit in a tub on her own yet.  She tends to flail her arms arounds which causes her to lose balance and slip everywhere so I still keep her in her baby tub while Emily sits in the tub in front of her.  They love to take baths together because they make each other laugh, but I still have to watch carefully as one day Emily tried to flip little sisters tub over with her still in it.  Not funny!  I know the warning label says not to fill the baby tub in the adult bath but it works for us and we leave the drain open so the tub doesn't float.  I am always in the same room with girls and sitting next to them, with the exception of these photos which I stood up to take.  Bath time is right before bedtime so the girls look a little tired.

Little Food Thief

Avery gets really messy during dinner time because she can't sit still.  She is litterally almost tipping over her bumbo seat trying to grab at things that catch her eye.  This particular day, Emily's dinner looks scrumptous enough to steal, I caught her in the act and snapped a photo.  Her next face is so innocent, even if it does have the contents of dinner all over it.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Two Teeth

Emily at 18 Months Old

Emily had her 18 month wellness checkup recently and she now weighs 24lbs. 3oz. and is 33 1/2 in. long.  She passed her checkup for autism with flying colors and did better at the doctor's office with only a few tears.  I was so excited to hear that this time around she would only receive one shot and better yet, she wouldn't have to receive any more shots until the age of 4.  After months of boogies, the flu, colds and cough we were looking for easier times now that spring has sprung, but unfortunately more ailments seem to creep up on us.  Two weeks ago Emily contracted pink eye and this week she got hand, foot, and mouth disease from a student at school.  It sounds like an awful diagnosis to have, but all it entails are blisters on the soles of the hands and feet and sores in the mouth.  There is no medication to provide only Tylenol for pain or fever. 

Aside from the illnesses, Emily has started to recognize and remember stories, songs and people.  Lately she has started to point to people and say their name or point to animals she recognizes and then make the sound they would make.  Emily watches and mimics many things and it is really funny to watch her try what she has observed.  Everyday when having a bath I play with her fish toys and sing the theme song to the movie Jaws that ends with tickle to her tummy.  As I was gathering the towels for her I could hear her try and sing the Jaws theme song and then end with a tickle.  I was cracking up inside.  She has learned how to "sing" (she really doens't say the words) Ring around the Roses.  She hums most of the words and then says "Ahhh, ahhh" for ashes, ashes and then she says down and falls down.  So cute!  Pretend time is just starting to develop but hasn't really manifested.

Emily is doing really well in school and is getting along great with her friends except when she is biting them.  Yes, my daughter is now in a biting phase and just the other day she got suspended from school for biting three times in one day.  I had to pick her up and I felt so bad.  She has bad days and then she has good days.  Everyone I ask for advice from says the only way that she is going to learn not to bite is for us to bite her back when she bites us. So I have started to bite her back and hopefully she is getting the idea.  When she bites me I wag my finger at her and say NO, NO, NO and then lightly bite her.  She has never cried (I don't bite hard enough to make marks) but she will make a sad face.  At that point I'll tell her I'm sorry and kiss her where I bit her and then I'll have her say sorry and kiss where she bit me.  So far so good, but we've got a long way to go. Other than the biting she is a really good kid.  Just today I saw her playing with her friend Katie at school.  They grabbed each others hands and then started dancing.  It was the cutest thing ever.

Emily is getting longer hair and will not let me do anything with it but comb it so it isn't messy in the morning.  Sometimes when I pick her up from school she has two pigtails and looks adorable.  It takes two of her teachers to do her hair, one to distract her while the other to create pigtails.  I'll have to learn how to do it myself lest my daughter go to school with sloppy hair everyday.  Things Emily is into right now include balloons, balls, crayons, and sidewalk chalk.  She is still learning how to color with crayons and I have to watch her otherwise she will put them in her mouth or bite them.  The same goes with the sidewalk chalk, she seems to love to scribble with them but then will try and taste it.  Lately she and daddy have been drawing some lovely things on the floor in the garage.

Most of the time Emily is a good child but she has started to throw a couple of tantrums when she doesn't get her way or yell when she isn't getting attention.  She is also very witty and will test your limits.  The other day she had a sippy cup that leaks water when tipped over, so she would tip it over and make a puddle on the table.  After numerous times of telling her "no" she looks at me and slowly tips over her cup just enough to not let the water come out, and then starts to make a bouncy motion testing whether or not I was going to do anything about her defiance.  This at 18 months, I can only imagine what she will try at 16 years old.

Yelling into the bucket

She has a blue dot on her upper lip from sticking the crayon in her mouth


Emily likes her pigtails