Monday, June 28, 2010

9 Months Old and Crawling

It has finally happened, the moment we have all been waiting for, Emily is now mobile.  She has learned how to crawl, although it is her own style of crawling where she crawls a couple of steps then sits and then crawls a little more.  She gets to where she needs to go but I did find out that if you get down on your hands and knees with her and crawl she will go further without sitting, almost as if she wants to race you. 

Pulling herself up into a standing position is a task in progress right now.  Emily has done it a couple of times but she still needs assistance most of the time.  She loves being able to be upright and tries to grab hold of things off the coffee table.  When she wants some assistance to stand she puts out two hands and then pulls herself up. Sometimes she'll try to walk and she is getting better at standing unassisted.  Her standing entertainment table is a big must have right now as it keeps her practicing the pull up and balancing act.  She starts to dance when the music comes on by bouncing up and down a little, it is the funniest thing.  Emily also likes peek-a-boo and loves it when you start to clap, she thinks it's a game.  She is still loving Pat-a-Cake, it makes her smile everytime we sing the song.

Tantrums have shown up in full force, which mommy is not liking at all at the moment.  It seems as though every time I place her on her changing table, she has a fit that includes crying, wiggling and rolling which makes it almost impossible to change her without cooperation.  I have to find ways to distract her with toys and if that doesn't work then I stern with her but for some reason she thinks it's funny and laughs, which is not the reaction I am hoping for when it comes to trying to discipline.

My baby has a healthy appetite and smacks her mouth when she sees something she wants to eat or drink.  We have introduced juice to her diet, but not too much, we still stick with water at the dinner table.  Emily loves water and especially when drinking out of an adult cup that has ice.  She will put her little hands in the cup and swish the ice around.  Plastic lined bibs are a must have during dinner time.

Last week Emily caught her first cold and had a difficult time sleeping at night.  She haes the aspirator and will start to shake her head from side to side before you even come near her.  It is the most dificult task trying to keep her nose clean and clear.  Every time she sneezed mucus would come out of her nose but she hated when you tried to wipe it clean.  I am just thankful it only went on for a couple of days and thankful that I had a nasal decongestant that the doctor prescribed back when we thought Emily was getting allergies because I am sure that is what helped get her better faster.

Yesterday was Emily's first time in the water at the beach.  Daddy took her out while mommy took some pictures of them.  She loves the water and splashed around as much as she wanted.  We sat her at the water's edge but only for a couple of minutes since she kept trying to put sand and sea weed in her mouth.  Overall, it was a good time out at Rockport beach and I'm glad Emily has such a wonderful beach experience.  I hope to take her out more time this summer before baby #2 makes her arrival.  Next year, mommy will try and put Emily in swim lessons, I'm sure she'll love that.

At mommy's 10 year high school reunion
Not happy about the heat.  Mommy let's go!

Heading into the water for the first time

She loves the water!!
Yuck, trying to eat the seaweed
The beach wore her out

Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day Weekend

Father's Day Weekend was fantastic and was filled with activity and family.  We attended the Dahman Family Reunion at Rockport Beach and had Emily meet her distant relatives for the first time.  It was easy to see where she gets her physical traits from, especially those blue eyes.  Emily has never been to the beach before, and although we weren't there to swim, we had to let her experience the feeling of sand.  Surprisingly, she liked it and kept touching it with her hands and stomping it with her feet, she also tried to eat it.  I'm sure Emily will love the beach!

We also got to see the Martinez Family this weekend and spent time with Grandpa Martinez and eat some BBQ with the all the family.  Emily liked playing with her cousins, Lauren and Leann and their ball.  She laughed and shrieked the whole time.  Lauren and Emily share a birthday and are 10 years apart in age.

Brian had a relaxing first Father's Day with breakfast in the morning that Emily helped to make and he was able to take a nap while mommy played with Emily all day.  Needless to say, mommy is tired and worn out from this weekend and baby in the belly with 10 weeks to go is not helping mommy's energy level.  Overall, I'm glad Brian had a great first Father's Day as well as our dad's with this being the first Father's Day as grandpa's.

Emily's first time in the sand
Emily likes the texture of sand
Emily trying to eat the sand

Sand feels good to step on

Emily and daddy playing with the sand

Oops, sand will make you lose balance

Emily loves daddy

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Vacation Time

Brian and I took a little time off to relax and enjoy the summer, so Emily stayed with her Ama and Apa (my parents) for 5 days while we were floating the Frio river near Concan.  This was the first time we left Emily for more than a night and it was more difficult than we had originally thought.  As every night went by I missed her more and more.  Emily's aunties and grandparents were happy to send a copule of pictures via text message to ensure Brian and I that everything was okay and that Emily was having a good time.

When we arrived to pick her up she looked older and wiser and was moving a lot more than usual.  She is almost mobile when trying to crawl, a few more adjustments and she'll be crawling everywhere.  The Mmmm sound is now in her vocabulary although she isn't quite saying mama yet, but she does say mamamamama.  Emily is also close to saying apa and it sounds like she says ama. 

With Father's Day and my birthday right around the corner Brian bought us a video camera.  Last night we filmed Emily drinking out of her sippy cup by herself for the first time.  She was so proud of herself and shrieked everytime she was able to get water into her mouth.  I am thrilled we have a video camera now because Emily has so many of her milestones coming up and I am glad I will be able to document them for her to watch when she's older.  Her first birthday party, which will be here in a few months, will be a great one to film.

Playing in her new pack n' play
Bath time


Friday, June 4, 2010

Memorial Day

Fun in the sun on Memorial Day!  Emily Mae is playing on the slip n' slide at our friend's house.  She loves to splash the water with her hands.