Friday, January 18, 2013

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

It's Almost Christmas!!

Avery the Giant

Avery has become a giant in a little girl's body.  I say that because she has a huge personality and so many different sides to her that it is often easy to become engulfed in all that she has to offer.  At only two years old my child is fearless and does not often think of the consequences of her physical actions.  Her only outlook and expectation is the rush of adrenaline that comes from accomplishing her physical act.  Avery loves to jump from high places, climb on jungle gyms, or go down slides from heights made for five year old's.  She has given me more near heart attacks at this age then Emily has in all her three years, but I admire her courage.  Now all the things I mentioned may not seem like that big of a deal, but when you are only a little over two feet high objects like 7 foot high slides can be daunting and Avery takes the challenge quite easily.

On the other hand, Avery is quite afraid of bugs and monsters.  If a tiny fly comes within a foot of her she immediately starts to panic.  I tried having a picnic with the girls out on our front lawn thinking they would have great fun only to find out that Avery couldn't stand the flies that came around our food.  Needless to say our picnic only lasted five minutes before we had to move it indoors.  Avery is defiant when we ask her to do something she doesn't want to do whether that be something as small as picking up trash she threw on the floor or apologizing to someone she hurt.  The other day she hit her sister on purpose and as I asked her to apologize and hug Emily she slowly walked backwards.  Every time I asked her to come say she was sorry she would just keep walking a few steps back.  She doesn't cry very much when she is in trouble either.  She will give a loud wail, shed a few tears and then start to pout.

Avery is my Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, you never know what type of mood she is going to be in when she wakes up in the morning.  She can either wake up with a smile on her face and ready to go for the day or wake up grumpy and fighting.  It is amazing at how stubborn she is and how not even her sister can push her around.  Even her voice is split into low volume or high volume.  Avery usually speaks in a low voice with a mumble and you really have to pay attention to understand what she is trying to tell you, but then there are times, mostly when her favorite shows come on or when she is getting Emily's attention, when her loud deep monotone voice will project itself.  I love when she speaks in that voice!  Even Avery's walk has two personalities, she will either run with a playful bounce or walk firm with determination as if she is on a mission.

Our little Avery is so smart and so lovable.  Her big sister loves her so much as do we and we can't get enough of her.  She changes and grows everyday and I can't wait to see what she comes up with next.