Friday, April 30, 2010

7 months old

Lunging at items is a new movement that Emily has obtained in these past couple of weeks, which is bad for mommy's back.  She is getting heavier everyday, meaning she's healthy, but it'ss not so good for me because my belly is growing bigger and it's getting harder for me to hold her for long periods of time.  My back kills me at the end of the day.  Although back pain is in my future, I couldn't be happier that Emily is reaching all of her milestones.

She has recently become stronger in her legs and wants to bounce all the time in her jumperoo and if not in her jumperoo, then in your arms.  She cracks me up when she is bouncing.  She actually bounces so hard she lifts herself out of her seat, which frightens her a bit, but then she gets over it and the thrill excites her even more.

Eating habits have become increasingly better, her tastebuds are expanding and she is trying new foods everyday, even table food.  She opens her mouth when she sees food near her so you know she wants to try it, then she'll let you know if she's liked it when she gives a little grunt and a smile.  I started giving her water in a sippy cup last month and within a couple of weeks she has now grasped the idea of holding the handles and how to work the mouthpiece so the water comes out.  She still has trouble tipping her cup and bottle up to get the liquid out, so we still have to help her with that movement.  As far as wanting water, I don't think she really thirsts for it, but she likes to drink when we have a drink.  Emily usually spits out the water so a plastic backed bib is a must at the dinner table.

Rolling side to side is something she has been doing for quite a while, but she still gets her arm caught underneath her so I haven't seen her do a complete roll yet.  Crawling is in the near future, I hope.  Emily doesn't like to be on her belly for very long, but I think it's because she becomes frustrated that she can't get anywhere.  Her back legs work really well and push up under her, but her arms aren't coordinating with her legs so she isn't getting movement.  You can see that she's trying because her face scrunches up, her hands start to grab onto the floor and her legs are trying to push her body forward.  After a couple of minutes of no progress, she cries out and you kow she's done.

Emily may even start walking before she crawls, she loves being on her feet, but when daddy and I try to walk with her, she wants to jump.  Her back is stronger and she can now sit by herself for longer than a minute at a time as she was doing last month.  She knows when she is losing balance and places her hands on the side of her to gain it back, but we still watch her closely because when she gets really excited she tends to throw herself backwards.

Sound and facial recognition is better this month but with it comes along stranger anxiety.  If she's in a good mood, she will go with someone she doesn't know, but she stares at them for a very long time.  When in a bad mood, she gives a warning sound and then starts to cry if not given back to mommy.  Emily recognizes Dora the Explorer and she recognizes the theme song to the Golden Girls (mommy's favorite tv show).  She always smiles when these two programs come on.

Teething is still going on but there are no teeth to show for it.  We are still waiting for that glorious moment and then probably won't like it when she clamps down on our fingers.

Wanna play with me?

Monday, April 19, 2010

A Little Too Much Sun

Yesterday was a gorgeous day with the sun shining and a light cool breeze.  Brian recently built an above ground garden and we went out to check our new vegetable patch and enjoy the weather.  Emily was wearing this cute outfit that my Aunt Dalia gave her, which consisted of a short sleeve shirt, onsie shorts, crocs, and a pink baseball cap that reads Princess.  So cute!  I'll have to put it on her again and take a picture, my camera recently died and I have to get a new one.

With all the rain we have been having lately, I was excited for the chance to be outside and wasn't thinking about sun protection too much.  I did put a hat on Emily but didn't even think to put sunscreen on her since we weren't going to be out long.  We sat on our backyard swing, which she loves, a little too long, although I didn't think it was that long. Brian said we were sitting there for about 15 minutes.  The sun was shining down on us but there were clouds in the sky.  After that, we took a walk down the street in her stroller and she fell asleep but I covered her in a blanket, so I'm sure she was fine.

Later that evening as we were getting ready for bed, I went to put Emily in pajamas and as soon as I took her outfit off, I noticed the sunburn she received that day on her arms.  She had a little shirt line.  I felt so horrible.  It's a first time mommy mistake and I am definitely putting sunblock on her every time we go outside now.  I forget she is so pale and her baby skin in so sensitive.  Needless to say, I rubbed aloe all over her but she didn't seem to show any signs of discomfort which was good.  Mommy knows for next time and will not be making that mistake again.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!!

Emily finds her bunny good enought to eat!

Happy 1st Easter Emily!  She had a great Easter with lots of baskets and goodies from the Easter bunny (aka, grandmas and aunties).  What can I say, except for the day being a little overcast it was perfect.  We went to mass in the morning and Emily was perfect, not a cry, unlike all the other screaming babies, and she was adorable in her Easter dress.  Then off to Ama's house where she received two Easter baskets, one from Ama and Apa and the other from Aunt Dalia.  After much fun in the sun and lots to eat we were off to Nana's house for Easter dinner.  After the day was done, so were we, but happy at all the many blessings the Lord has given us.  Let us rejoice in His name!

Mama and baby

Emily's Easter baskets

Abuela Gonzalez and Emily

Aunt Dalia gives Emily her new doll

Emily loves her new doll

Changing out of her Easter church dress

Happy to be in a cotton dress Aunt Alyssa bought for her

Playing with mom

Emily with Aunt Andrea

Not liking her hat so much, but it's too cute!

Outside with her bunnies and Easter eggs

Ama is cracking a cascarone on baby

Emily is getting tired

Easter outfit and trying to walk

Worn out from the long day

Big News and Bad Shots

I took Emily to her pediatrician for her 6 month check up and vaccinations.  This time mama went alone with no help from grandma or any aunties and I could have died when I heard she was going to be getting 3 shots, an oral, and a finger prick.  Oh gosh, what have I gotten myself into, was my only thought.  The check up started out great with Emily being weighed and measurements taken.  My baby girl is now weighs 17lb. 7 oz. and is 27in. long.  She is still above average for her age in both categories. 

Emily is right on track with her development, meaning she can sit with minimal assistance, roll over (kind of, blame that pesky arm), transfer objects from one hand to the other, turn to you when you call her, babble, smile and laugh, and pull herself (with help) from a lay down to sit down to standing position.  We are doing all the right things as far as feeding techniques are concerned, not focusing on fruits but on protiens and vegetables while watching out for allergies.  We can start introducing water into her diet but not in significant amounts because she still needs to concentrate on her milk.  The doctor recomended we stay away from juices at this point in time because she doesn't need them, and once you start, you can never go back.

Once we got all the questions and answers out of the way then came time for the shots.  Emily got her finger prick first to check her iron levels and I was so amazed that she didn't cry...I was fooled by this little sign of courage because as soon as the nurse came in and had me hold her down she was bawling before she even got a shot.  Then when she received her shtos she cried even louder.  Once she was done and I got to pick her up she stopped crying and gave the nurse an evil stare.  If you've seen her daddy's mad face then you know exactly what that looks like.  She is such a good baby, I thought I was going to have a screaming baby to deal with all on my own, but she fell asleep on the ride home and slept alot during the day.  Good news though, she doesn't have to get any more shots until she turns a year old.

And here is the BIG EXCITING NEWS....Emily is going to have a baby sister!  Her little sister, no name at this point, will be arriving late August.