Monday, April 5, 2010

Big News and Bad Shots

I took Emily to her pediatrician for her 6 month check up and vaccinations.  This time mama went alone with no help from grandma or any aunties and I could have died when I heard she was going to be getting 3 shots, an oral, and a finger prick.  Oh gosh, what have I gotten myself into, was my only thought.  The check up started out great with Emily being weighed and measurements taken.  My baby girl is now weighs 17lb. 7 oz. and is 27in. long.  She is still above average for her age in both categories. 

Emily is right on track with her development, meaning she can sit with minimal assistance, roll over (kind of, blame that pesky arm), transfer objects from one hand to the other, turn to you when you call her, babble, smile and laugh, and pull herself (with help) from a lay down to sit down to standing position.  We are doing all the right things as far as feeding techniques are concerned, not focusing on fruits but on protiens and vegetables while watching out for allergies.  We can start introducing water into her diet but not in significant amounts because she still needs to concentrate on her milk.  The doctor recomended we stay away from juices at this point in time because she doesn't need them, and once you start, you can never go back.

Once we got all the questions and answers out of the way then came time for the shots.  Emily got her finger prick first to check her iron levels and I was so amazed that she didn't cry...I was fooled by this little sign of courage because as soon as the nurse came in and had me hold her down she was bawling before she even got a shot.  Then when she received her shtos she cried even louder.  Once she was done and I got to pick her up she stopped crying and gave the nurse an evil stare.  If you've seen her daddy's mad face then you know exactly what that looks like.  She is such a good baby, I thought I was going to have a screaming baby to deal with all on my own, but she fell asleep on the ride home and slept alot during the day.  Good news though, she doesn't have to get any more shots until she turns a year old.

And here is the BIG EXCITING NEWS....Emily is going to have a baby sister!  Her little sister, no name at this point, will be arriving late August.


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