Thursday, December 30, 2010

Emily at 15 months old on Christmas

Emily turned 15 months old on Jesus' birthday and fittingly enough for the occasion she learned how to say Jesus.  I laugh every time I hear her say it and she knows I like her saying it because she smiles when she spits out Jesus' name.  Speaking of new words, Emily's vocabulary has expanded in these last couple of months and she now recognizes the objects with the name.  She can now say Ama, Apa, Nonna, hippo, bottle, up, down, bath, hot, out, and her own variations of sister, Alex, Andrea, Alyssa and cookie.  Emily is also doing great with her baby sign language and can sign when she wants milk or more milk and can say please and thank you.  A new sign she recently learned was the gesture for cookie which took me by surprise. 

Just recently she has been learning body parts at school and will point to her ear when asked, although she points to her ear when asked to point to her eyes.  She does like to touch other peoples eyes but somehow doesn't know how to point to her own.  Emily is also learning new songs and dances at school but still enjoys "The Wheels on the Bus". 

The Monday after Christmas, Emily had her 15 month checkup and is now 30.5" long and is 23lbs, which means she is now ready to be forward facing in her car seat.  I am sure she will love the new view, lately she has been having tantrums when you place her in the car to go bye-bye.  Speaking of tantrums, they are also new in her ever changing world and personality.  Never have I ever seen my child flop around on the floor, wriggling and squirming around for no good apart reason.  I actually had to laugh when Emily had her first tantrum at home, it was that amazing.  After a couple of bumps on the head she finally realized to slowly place herself on the floor with legs and arms stretched out so as not to hurt herself.  Once she is in position then the wailing and fake cries begin.  It is a sight to see!

According to the doctor she is right on track in her development and is still above the average in height and weight.  She can point to body parts, take clothes off her body, say up to 10 words and is eating solids.  She tries to feed herself with a spoon but is still not completely weaned off the bottle.  Emily doesn't drink bottles at school and we are trying not to give her bottles until bed time.  Soon we will send her to bed without her bottle but for now it helps put her to sleep.

Diaper rash is still a big problem and we got the push to potty train from her doctor.  Apparantely our daughter has exteremly sensitive skin and the heat of her diaper is what is causing her rashes.  Just yesterday I was warned from her teacher that she had a major rash flareup.  I put her in her new panties that Nonna got her for Christmas and she had two accidents.  We are really trying to place her on the potty and keep her rashes at bay.  Aside from diaper rashes Emily caught a cold at daycare and that turned into an infection.  So she is now on antibiotics and cough medicine.  It isn't suprising she caught a cold, she was caught kissing a boy at school during nap time yesterday.  Brian wasn't too happy with the news but I thought it was hilarious. 

My little dancer now has some new dance moves with arms going up and down and twirling.  She also loves when her favorite show comes on  (The Fresh Beat Band) and knows part of the theme song, singing "nana, nana" when they do.  She is so funny!

Right after the new year we will meet with a cardiologist to find out why Emily has an irregular heartbeat that makes her turn purple at times.  Check back for a post about that...until then, Have a Happy New Year!


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