Thursday, December 16, 2010

Avery at 4 Months

Cooling down from a fever.  Look at my belly!
Avery is now 4 months old and weighs 11 lb. 13 oz. and is 24 inches long.  When at the doctor's office I usually ask where she is compared with other infants her age but this time her sickness was top priority.  Avery has had a nasty cold for the past month and it hasn't gotten any better.  After numerous appointments her pediatrician would not presribe her anything because she is so young.  The only things we could do for her was give saline nose drops and infant Tylenol or Ibuprofen for fever.  Eventually she started to develop a cough and severe chest congestion.  She was tested for RSV or Respiratory Syncytial Virus and came up negative twice.  When Avery developed a wheeze her pediatrician decided to treat her as if she had RSV and prescribed her a nebulizer and medication to help open her airways.  Wow...double wow, who knew this was going to be expensive, even with insurance.  Parents would do anything for their children, especially when they are sick.  After her first treatment you could see a big diference in the way Avery was breathing.  We have to watch her carefully because according to her doctor it gets worse before it gets better.  I just hope she gets better soon.

Aside from her illness Avery is coming along in her development.  She is now grasping at things in front of her face and can hold her head up for long periods of time without getting tired.  The other day I sat her in her bumbo for the first time to help stregnthen her back muscles so it's easier for her to sit.  She did so well and lasted for about 10 minutes before she got tired.  The best milestone she hit is her first laugh.  It is the cutest little laugh and comes at the most unexpected times.  She will only laugh a couple of times and as hard as you try to make her laugh again she will not.  She just looks at you like you are crazy. 

Our little one is a great eater and is eating between 4 and 6 oz.  I think next month I will start her on cereal and see how she does with it.  I never wanted to give Emily food until she was 6 months old, just as the books say, and she never developed a taste for baby cereal.  Next up is Avery'f first Christmas and we can't wait to see what Santa brings for her and big sister this year.

Feeling better after a treatment.


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