Monday, December 6, 2010

Avery's First Time in her Bumbo

Avery is getting old enough to voice her opinions on how to she wants to be held or placed.  I've noticed lately she doesn't like to put down in her swing or bouncer as often as we used to and she likes to be carried faced forward.  My petite baby lets you know right away when she doesn't like something although with a few sweet talks to comes around with a smile. 

Emily was three months old when we bought her a bumbo chair for Christmas to help teach her how to sit and it has been sitting in the closet since she was around seven months old and couldn't fit into it any longer.  Well Avery is well into her third month and so I thought why not give her a try in the bumbo chair.  As I placed her in it I expected her to cry as Emily did but to my surprise she did really well.  She stared at the toy in front of her with fascination and sat in her chair for a good 10 minutes before becoming tired.  I was so proud of my little Avery.  Her neck and back muscles have become much stronger this past month and this was a true test of her endurance.  She did a wonderful job!  Even Emily was amazed at how little sister could sit all by herself.  All of this progression just means she's headed out of what I call her "baby" phase and pushes her more into the infant stage.  Let's see what this next month has in store for her.


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