Friday, December 3, 2010

14 Months Old on Thanksgiving

Our little princess is now 14 months old and is such a riot.  I can not believe how much she has learned from her preschool teachers.  Emily has a huge personality and she makes everyone around her laugh by entertaining them with new hand gestures she's learned from baby sign language and new dance moves.

 Ever since I started taking her to daycare she has soaked up so much knowledge.  They are teaching the toddlers babby sign language and so far Emily knows how to say please, thank you, and more.  She doesn't know in what context to use them, but if you ask her to show you the sign for please she will make a circle on her chest with her hand.  The sign for thank you is to touch your hand to your chin and then move it outward which looks as if she is blowing a kiss.  I noticed one day that she would take her hands and rotate them around each other but didn't think anything of it until her teacher told me that was the gesture they make when they sing "Wheels on the Bus".  After learning this I sang the song to her and to my astonishment she laughed and started to make hand gestures to wheels go round and round, wipers go swish, horn goes beep, and doors open and shut.  I burst out laughing and was so amazed and proud at how much she is learning.  Ms. Sue and Ms. Crystal (her teachers) also taught her how to blow kisses, so everyday when I pick her up she waves goodbye and blows kisses to her teachers.  So cute!  Now she likes to blow kisses to everyone and they all get a kick out of it.

Emily has also started to try and run although she is still perfecting her walking.  She doesn't know depth perception yet so steps are still dangerous but once she learns how to go up and down a step she'll want to do it over and over as if it was a new game she learned.  The weather has been a mixture of hot and cold with some really nice days in between.  During the nice weather we will take Emily out on her learn and go tricycle.  She loves to ride on this thing and has now realized she has to keep her feet on the foot bar in order to go forward.  I'm sure within this next year she will learn how to peddle so we are trying to teach her that the street is not a place to go.  If let loose on her own, the street is the first place she heads towards, so it is really important to us that she learn not to go there.  She isn't tall enough to open doors yet, but she is getting there.  I noticed the other day while at the grandparents house that she loves to go in their pantry.  To gain access all you do is pull down the handle which she has observed us do so many times that she actually tries to do it herself but can't reach all the way over to pull it down.  I give her two more months and Ama and Apa will have to start baby proofing their house.  She has already tried taking our Ama's nice Royal Doultan china our of her bottom cabinets.

Emily's vocabulary hasn't increased greatly yet, she still says mama and of course loves to say dada, but her "baby" is starting to sound more like it should than what it did.  When she said baby it would sound like bebe, more French sounding.  Every morning we watch Baby Einstein's Baby Noah and she has started to come up with a variation of the word Hippo that sounds like Hhh-aa-ppp-mm.  Close enough in my book.  She always gets a big applause from mom and dad anyway.  Aside from that she is always trying to sound new words out so she's headed in the right direction.

A new milestone this month...Emily tinkled in her potty!  She has been learning that you are supposed to sit on it instead of just take it apart as she likes to do.  One day as I was running her bath I took her clothes off and sat her down.  I guess with the running water she got the need to go and went.  YAY!  I was so excited and am now placing her on her potty sporadiacally throughout the day and then running the faucet.  Most of the time she does a tinkle and then we clap.  We are headed towards potty training.  I'm hoping by the time she reaches the age of two that she is completely potty trained.

Speaking of potty, Emily is known at her daycare as the child her goes poop alot.  At first this wasn't a big concern but then she started developing really bad diaper rash because of the amount of time she would go.  So we decided to switch her to whole milk that is lactose free and so far I think it has done the trick.  She doesnt' go as much and her rash is starting to disappear.  I'm so glad because she was really having a hard time and hates to be changed.  It is a feat everytime we need to change her diaper.

A couple of weeks ago we had a little scare with Emily.  I got a call from her preschool and was told that she was turning purple.  It first started with her arms and then moved to her legs and then she started getting splotches on her face.  Well I rushed to pick her up and took her to her pediatrician.  At first it seemed as though the doctor wasn't understanding how she turned purple.  At this time Emily was now back at her normal color.  Four witnesses at her daycare all said she was purple, with how fair she is she was probably a shade of blue and red that made her seem purple.  The doctor couldn't explain it as nothing else was wrong with Emily at the time she changed colors.  She wasn't lethargic and she was breathing normally.  In fact she was playing inside with her other peers.  During the checkup Emily was asleep on my lap so she didn't throw a fit when the doctor started examining her and to our suprise, the doctor found that Emily had an irregular heart beat.  The irregular heart beat would lead to a cirrculation problem which could cause the outer extremities to not get enough blood causing them to appear blue, or Emily's case a shade of purple.  So in January we are going to meet with a Pediatric Cardiologist to have Emily checked out.  We are all praying and hoping that she doesn't have anything wrong and that it was just a weird incident. 

Aside from the scare, Emily is doing great and got to meet Santa the other day.  I didn't take her to meet him last year at the mall, he came to our house instead.  I noticed while shopping that he wasn't busy with lots of children so we went up to say hello and snap a picture of our first meeting, or rather second for Emily and first for Avery.  As soon as we placed Emily on his lap she went into hysterics and immediatly started crying at the top of her lungs.  Avery on the other hand was perfectly fine and sat still for the camera.  Needless to say, the image that we have of the meeting is hilarious.  Emily is staring at Santa with her mouth wide open in a yell and Avery is staring straight into the camera with a blank look on her face.  Oh the memories!!!


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