Friday, October 8, 2010

Emily at 12 months old

It is amazing at how much Emily has grown over this past year.  Every month brings new abilities and discoveries for Emily that allow her to better explore her surroundings. 

The walking phase is just around the corner.  She hasn't started walking just yet, but can take a couple of cautious steps before sitting down and taking off in a crawl.  She can stand on her own and has started to let go of objects once she gets her balance.  Emily has even learned to dance without holding on to something.  I'm sure she will start walking soon and then we will miss those moments when we weren't chasing her around everywhere.  Her judgement of depth is also getting better as is seen when she slowly puts her hand or foot off a step to climb down.  She used to just stop at the ledge and turn back or fall because she didn't see the step when crawling.  Once she has learned how to climb down a step she gets so excited and wants to do it over and over again.

Seven teeth are now hanging out in Emily's mouth, she has four on top and three on the bottom.  I have to try and keep her hands clean as much as possible because she likes to put her fingers in her mouth.  Clean hands are sometimes impossible because crawling is her mode of transportation.  With two babies and two dogs in the house it is hard to keep the floors up to par.  She is still teething like crazy and has also started to grind her teeth when they start to bother her.  I'm tyring to stop her from doing it so she doesn't grind her teeth down into nubs.  Now that she has more teeth she has learned how to lightly bite mom on the back of the leg to get attention.  Baby sister Avery has also felt those little teeth on her face when Emily sneakly went down to kiss her and then bit her cheek.  It wasn't hard enough to leave a mark but it did make Avery cry.  We have to watch her more carefully now because of it.

New words and new sounds are all the buzz this month.  If you ask Emily what sound a Lion or Tiger makes, she will give a low growl.  Since baby sister Avery has entered our lives, Emily has now learned how to say "baby" expect it sounds like be-be, very French sounding.  Other than baby, Emily still says mama and dada and variations of them like ma, mom, da, dad and daddy.  She also makes a rolling sound with her mouth as if she is making the spanish rolling R sound.

My tiny dancer is now recognizing more songs from her favorite channel Nick Jr.  Dora the Explorer is still one of her favorite shows but she also loves the Fresh Beat Band and Moose and Zee.  Everytime one of her favorite songs comes on she bounces up and down and swings her hands from side to side, then she'll stand up to shake her hips back and forth.  She is definitley going to always love music and dance, maybe she'll pick up singing when she learns to talk.

Emily not only recognizes music but also commands and knows when she is in trouble.  When telling her "no" she shakes her head "no", although she still tries a couple of more times to do what she wants before she finally gives up to your command.  If she has something in her mouth she isn't supposed to have she will stick our her tongue and spit it out.  When she has an object in her hand she is not supposed to handle, she will usually give it to you if you ask, but there are times when she acts as if she doesn't hear you.  For the most part she understands what you ask of her and will comply with your requests.

Emily still loves to ride her pony and also a zebra bouncer a friend gave to her.  She has quickly learned how to climb on it and get off.  To play the clippity-clop song you must first press the pony's ear which she has picked up on.  After she squeezes the ear she quickly places her hand back on the handle bars so you can rock her back and forth.  Emily also loves her books.  She will crawl with one in her hand and then place it in your lap so you can read to her.  The books with the flaps are her absolute favorite, especially one called "Where is Baby's Belly Button?".

At Emily's 12 month checkup she weighed in at 22.5 pounds and measured 31.5 inches long.  Our doctors appointments used to go pretty good, but this time around it was non-stop crying from the moment I had to lay her on the examining table.  To get her weight I had to stand with her on an adult scale and then put her down and get my weight and then take the difference.  She would not stay on the baby scale and was hanging on to me for dear life.  Her pediatrician quickly checked her over and said she was in perfect health.  Then the worst part came when the nurse had to give her four shots.  Two on the thigh and two on her arm.  It was a nightmare!!  The chicken pox vaccination was one of the shots she was given and I was glad because she will be starting daycare and I didn't want her getting them so soon.  Mom is going back to work so Emily will have to get used to being dropped off at her preschool.  I only pray all goes well.

Aunt Alyssa made me my first pony tail

In a trance watching Nick Jr.

She is 9 months in this photo, but I had to put it on here.  She learned to blow on the glass pane at Nonna's house.

Learning to feed herself

Crazy hair from her nap

Loving daddy's bike

Her new Dora couch/bed

Uh-oh, someone learned her fingers fit up her nose


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