Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Avery at Two Months Old

My little sweet pea turned two months and is growing fast and becoming more alert everyday.  Avery had her two month checkup and she weighed in at 9 lb. 6 oz. and measured 22.5 in. long.  She is in the 21 percentile for height and 56 percentile for weight which is a big jump from where she was a month ago.  Her pediatrician said she is growing at a really great pace and is very healthy.  Our Avery did so well at her checkup and only cried for a few moments when she had to get her two vaccinations. 

Mommy was so excited the other day when Avery smiled at her for the first time.  Every time I catch her smiling it is when she is sleeping.  Avery has really sweet dreams because she always seems to smile while dreaming.  Her teachers at daycare have noticed the change in her alertness as well and are encouraging her to stay awake and play more often during the day, which helps out mom and dad in keeping Avery sleeping through the night.  When Avery is full and wide awake near bedtime we place her in her bassinet with the mobile and lullubye on and she watches in content and falls asleep soon after.  I thank God for giving me such a great baby, especially while we are dealing with a toddler who is having a hard time with her teething at night.

Right now we are practicing our tummy time and focusing on developing stronger neck muscles.  Avery has no problem lifting her head while you are burping her over the shoulder, in fact she loves to view the world around her at that angle.  When it comes to lying on her tummy she has a little trouble lifting her head for a long period of time, but with practice she will be better in no time.  I love when Avery talks to me in her oohs and ahhs, it is too precious and melts my heart everytime I hear her sounds.  We can't wait until she starts to develop more baby talk and then maybe she'll start speaking to her big sister.

Tummy time

Precious baby

Sweet Dreams

So peaceful


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