Friday, May 20, 2011

Emily's Big Boo-Boo

Last Sunday was a normal lazy day as most Sundays are for our family, that was until Emily had her first big boo-boo and we had to rush her to the emergency room.  Mommy was watching in amazement as Avery crawled from the living room to the kitchen and back.  Emily was playing with toys and "reading" books beside me when she decided to climb on the sofa behind me and jump from one end to the next.  Recently, she has been climbing on eveything without a thought that she may fall and hurt herself.  It doesn't matter how many times we tell her, "Emily, sit down or you are going to fall", she keeps on going as if we were encouraging her to get hurt.

During one of her jumps she midjudged her strength and went over the side of the sofa, smacked her head on the side table, and then landed on our tile floor with an enormous thud.  A loud wail came next followed by me rushing to her aid.  I thought she was fine but it wasn't until Daddy looked at her and said "Whoa" with a look of astonishment on his face that I knew something was wrong.  After sitting Emily down and examining her, it looked as if she may have slightly cut her ear, but after wiping some of the blood away and then taking a closer look, I realized that she split the top of her ear flap and it would probably need stitches to heal.

So here we go to the local emergency room with two kids in tow.  Emily didn't seem to be bothered with her wound and wasn't crying until the nurse walked into the examining room.  She already has a phobia about nurses and doctors and so she cried fully aware that they were going to cause her pain.  After taking a look at the cut the doctor confirmed it was going to require stitches and that we would have to sedate Emily in order to do the procedure because of inability to cooperate.

After two doses of a sedative that just made her drunk with happiness instead of knocking her out, the doctor decided to go ahead with the procedure.  It took four adults to hold her down until the doctor was finished with stitching her up.  Three hours and $150 later we were back at home with our child that acted as if nothing happened at all.  Emily was back to normal and ran straight to her toys to play.  Lesson learned:  Kids will be kids and they will get boo-boos even when you do everything in your power to watch them.

Emily's ear all stitched back together
Feeling great after a day of play.


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