Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Avery at 9 Months Old

My tiny baby is now 9 months old and there are many new developments and milestones accomplished.  Avery had her 9 month wellness checkup and came in at 16 lbs. 4 oz. and 27 in. long.  She is progressing right on the average curve and according to her doctor is very healthy and moving right on track with her development. 

Avery can pull up from a lay down to a sit down to a stand up poistion with assistance and is now starting to pull herself up to a standup position while holding on to stationary objects such as a coffee table.  We had a huge milestone accomplishment this past week when Avery crawled for the first time.  Her Nonna was holding a doll she was determined to get a hold of and before we knew it she put one hand forward and then another and then her little legs followed and it was as if a light bulb went off in her head and she grasped the idea of crawling.  That little light was all she needed and now she is crawling all over the place and she is loving getting where she wants to go instead of being stuck in one place.  Emily likes that sister can get around now as well although maybe for other reasons.  I caught Emily trying to ride Avery like a horse.  Avery wasn't so happy about that little stunt.

Avery hasn't said "mama" or "dada" yet but she is babbling multiple syllables now including papapa, bababa, and nanana. She also makes a growling sound whenever she grabs something she has her eye on or accomplishes a task.  According to her teacher she doesn't growl at school which I find funny because she is constantly doing it at home.

Avery's appetite has grown a little and new food items are being introduced daily.  She still eats baby food but has graduated to the second stage (larger containers) and can eat Gerber Puffs (baby cereal) as a snack.  Fruits are still on the "don't like" list and vegetables are her favorite. Daddy is introducing table food at dinner time and sometimes there are hits but most of the time it's a miss.  I don't think Avery likes the texture of most foods.  Another milestone was accomplished the other day when Avery picked up sister's sippy cup and started drinking from it without assistance.  She loved it so much she laughed everytime she got water out of it.  So much effort put into a new task wore her out and she stated falling asleep at the table with the cup in her hand and in her mouth.  Avery is still teething but hasn't had another tooth pop out.  I predict the top two will be next and will probably make entry in the next couple of months. 

With so many milestones hit this month I'm sure Avery will be up and walking soon and then I'll have two babies going in different directions.  I better start working out or else these two will have mommy worn out.

First time with a sippy cup
Falling asleep with her cup
Playing with her table
Loving that she can stand at her table
Standing up by the rocking chair
She now hates having bows on her head.  This is the best I could do.


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