Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Avery at 21 Months Old

I am so behind on my blogging.  It is now June and Avery turned 21 months old in May.  We have been very busy and now that summer is here our schedule is getting filled by the minute.  Every month as I write these new posts I struggle to remember new developments that Avery has achieved.  There are so many new words, songs and quirks that she has learned that I tend to forget some of them or repeat them in my writings.  This month Avery has been singing more often with her sister and with our new Amazon Kindle that daddy bought the girls.  Both girls love their new Kindle and every day at bath time I bring it in to play nursery rhymes and songs for them as we wash up.  Every day Avery chooses the same songs to play and sing along .  One of those songs is "Baa Baa Black Sheep" which she learned from a iPhone application that her nonna has on her phone.  The other is a song called "Animal Sounds" and she is hysterically funny while she sings this song because of her facial expressions, I can't help but laugh every time she sings it.

Big sister Emily has been imitating mommy and changing Avery's diaper when they play together.  Avery has no problem following her sisters instructions and will lay on the floor until Emily gets her fresh diaper on.  Now that Avery has seen her sister change diapers she wants to do the same.  So now Avery pretends to change her baby dolls diapers as well as pat them to sleep and place them in their play crib.  Avery loves to place her baby dolls in their stroller and then stroll them around the house.

Avery's memory is growing stronger and she is remembering what she is being taught at school.  She can recite her numbers by herself in English and in Spanish and she can now recognize colors and name them correctly.  I think her favorite color right now is green because she always chooses that color when asked which one she would like. If she had to choose between different color cups, "Geen" is what she always says. Avery also recognizes children's shows like "Dora the Explorer" and will sing along with the theme song.  She loves to dance now and will bob up and down with a song.

Avery's personality has also grown and she is one sly yet silly little girl.  She knows what she wants and she has no patience.  When she wants something she wants it now!  Temper tantrums are not yet in play but as her older sister is starting to have them I am afraid that she may learn to imitate her bad actions.  Only time will tell!!

Avery's hair first thing in the morning

Wearing mommy's shoes

Throwing a fit
Wearing panties like sissy (over her diaper)


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