Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Emily at 25 Months Old

Now that Emily is two years old we are working on potty training full time.  It doens't always work because as soon as she sits on the potty she stands up and says all done.  Then she grabs a piece of toilet paper and wipes and wipes as if she has a mess to clean up.  Her favorite part of course is the flushing of the toilet.  While she hasn't pee pee'd on the potty at home she has gone several times at school.

Speaking of school, this past month has brought on new information and fun times.  Emily started attending Tumble Bus every Friday and she loves it.  The Tumble Bus is a school bus that is gutted out and filled with small gymnastics equipment.  There is a slide, a small trampoline, a glider , a balance beam, and mats to teach minor gymnastics and coordiation.  Emily absolutely loves Tumble Bus and is excited to go to school when she knows it's Tumble Bus day.

Emily knows how to count to ten in English and now she can count up to five in Spanish!  Every week Emily's teachers write on her cirriculum sheet what she is to learn and so far they have only put that they are working on uno and dos.  As I was practicing with Emily at home, I came to find that after dos she said tres and then cuatro and then cinco.  Wow, I was amazed at how much she learned and at how quickly she learned it.  I am really impressed with Emily's preschool and am so glad she is getting a headstart for when she attends kindergarten.

Two year olds can be a little frustrating at times and Emily is like every other two year old, a handful.  She is constantly pushing our buttons and trying our patience.  I am sure I have said these things before.  Although she is testing limits she also knows when she is in trouble and when mom and dad are not happy. Time outs are helping too.


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