Friday, June 10, 2011

Emily at 20 Months Old

At 20 months, Emily is still trying to perfect her speech and say as many words as possible even if she has to make them up herself.  Most of the time it's a little hard for us to understand what she is trying to tell us but after a couple of frustrating minutes it becomes clearer as you listen to her say the word over and over.  When she asks for something and mommy says "no", she looks at me and signs "please" while at the same time saying "pease".  How could you say no after that little antic.  So funny!

Along with language Emily also began singing her ABC's.  She knows the tune and will sing some parts very clear while other parts she humms.  This age brings about the monkey-see-monkey-do phase so she always wants to try something she finds interesting.  The other day Brian lowered Avery's crib down a notch and he was using an allen wrench to unscrew the screws.  Ever so observant, Emily picked up a hair clip and started mimicking his actions.  It was so funny to see Emily trying to help her daddy with his task.  She has also started wanting to help mommy with her chores.  The broom is now a favorite toy and Emily drags it around the house whenever she pleases.  When I clean up the kitchen, Emily will grap the Lysol bottle and cloth from me and pretend to spray by making the "psst, psst" sound and then wipe up the mess.  I allow her to help mommy out now because I know it will be like pulling teeth to have her clean when she's older.

Another interest Emily has taken up is in Disney movies.  Lately she has been really into the Tinkerbell movie and watches it everyday before bedtime.  She can't quite say Tinkerbell, it sounds more like "puttheball" but I know exactly what she wants. She also recently started watching Happy Feet and still watches her other favorties such as, Dora the Exporer, Backyardigans, Fresh Beat Band and her Baby Einstein videos.

We still haven't pushed the potty training issue just yet, but Emily moved up to her next class at school and her classroom has a potty in it.  So far she knows to sit on her potty and will let you know when she is done, although most of the time she doesn't do anything, but the fact that she isn't afraid of it or freaks out is great.  I know when the moment is right Emily will learn how to potty and training will be another learning task that will be accomplished.  Speaking of her new class, Emily is having trouble adjusting to her new classroom teachers.  When I drop her off in the morning she cries and says she wants to go bye.  After I leave, her teachers tell me that she calms down and is fine the rest of the day.  Today I dropped her off and her teacher from her previous class was there and we had no problems during goodbye time.  Its going to take time to adjust to her teachers and I hope it happens soon.  I hate having her cry every morning as I say goodbye.

A bad habit has gone out the door and we are so happy.  Yes, Emily has gotten over biting at school and we could not be happier to not have incident reports at school.  I felt so bad when I was told Emily bit another student and felt even worse when it was multiple students during the day.  I'm not sure what triggered her to stop, but it was literally from one day to the next that the action stopped.  I did notice that it stopped after the accident with her ear, so that may be one of the causes, but whatever it was I'm glad we are over it.  I just hope her sister doesn't pick up on that habit.


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