Thursday, June 23, 2011

Avery at 10 Months

It is official, Avery's first word is "dada"! All this month Avery has been saying dada and is now saying ball and is extending her consonant sounds.  Her vocabulary will be growing and before we know it she will yelling at her sister.  Avery still growls at everything especially when she is crawling around and exploring so I have come to call her my little lion.  She makes me laugh every time she starts to growl because this large sound is coming out of this tiny body.

Now that she has learned how to crawl, she is everywhere and loves to explore her surroundings.  Sometimes she gets into trouble when she finds things like hall lights to pull out of their sockets.  I constantly have to watch her and make sure she isn't pulling on things or putting harmful objects in her mouth.  Avery hasn't started cruising yet but she pulls herself up with the help of objects all the time and is somewhat of a little daredevil.  Yesterday she was riding her dragon and she stood up on top of it while holding the handle bars and then decided, as if that wasn't dangerous enough, to lift up one of her legs and balance on the other.  She is our little Evel Knieval.

Teething this month has been trecherous as Avery is currently getting her two upper central incisors.  This past weekend she's had fever, fussiness, lack of sleep and is just plain tired.  Her sore gums prevent her from drinking from her bottle and I have to constantly put Orajel on her gums to relieve the pain.  The pain from sucking leads her to want more solids and now she is moving away from baby food and is headed towards table food.  Every night this past week she has had food that mom has prepared instead of her soft Gerber food.

It is amazing at how much Avery has grown and it gives me such delight to watch her develop and try and follow her big sister.  Wherever Emily goes Avery wants to follow, I guess Emily better get used to having her little sister around all the time.


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