Thursday, January 27, 2011

Emily at 16 Months Old

Our little princess is growing up and is learning her new role as a big sister.  This past month has brought new highs and lows to Emily's life but we are once again on the up and up.  The flu has come and gone and Emily is energetic and her bubbly self once again.  When she was sick she was very attached and with good reason always wanted to be carried.  Now that she is well, she still has that attachment and wants to be held all the time, and not only by me but by her daycare teachers as well.  I know it's a little phase and will go away soon but there is always going to be a little part of Emily that will revert back to being babyish because of her little sister.  She seems a little jealous at times and will try and sit in my lap when I have little sister in my arms or take away a toy that Avery is interested in grabbing.

Emily has become a great helper and has figured out how to feed baby sister by placing Avery's bottle in her mouth and holding it so she can drink.  I've caught her a couple of times doing this action by herself and Avery seems to enjoy this little bonding moment with her big sister.  When changing diapers Emily helps to carry the dirty diapers to the trash and places them in the bin for mommy.  She also helps take her dirty clothes after her bath and place them in her hamper.  Emily finds this a fun game and claps everytime she helps mommy. 

Dinner time has become more of a mess than usual as Emily is learning how to eat with a fork and spoon.  She is getting better at eating with a spoon but the fork is still somewhat of a nuisance.  After a couple of times of trying to poke her food she gives up and uses her hands.  I don't mind her using her hands to eat but after she is done eating she has a habit of dropping her plate or bowl on the floor and then swiping all the food on her high chair tray onto the floor and walls.  Needless to say, the dogs have been a great help with cleanup time.  She also still drops her cup on the floor when she doesn't want it, which has become beyond annoying.

Emily has now learned her routine pretty well and likes to stick to it during the week.  The other day after bath time we got her a bottle of milk and she walked to her crib and tried to climb in it.  When I helped her up she layed right down and held out her hands for her bottle.  I put her favorite Baby Einstein dvd on and she fell right to sleep.  I am so glad bedtime is not a struggle like it was 3 or 4 months ago when we were transitioning from the rocking chair.

Nowadays Emily is learning her ABC's, numbers, colors, and body parts with new songs to help her along the way.  Mommy was so proud when her daycare teacher told me she was one of a few kids who knew how to stomp her feet when they sing "If Your Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands."  I was beaming and my chest was puffed up with pride at the acknowlegment of the genius that is my child.  Emily also knows how to put up one finger when asked what the number one is with her hand.  We are still working on the other numbers but she is on her way.  She has gotten so much better at knowing her body parts and will point to her nose, eyes, ears and mouth with ease and delight.  Just the other day Emily learned how to bat her eyes when asked to make "pretty eyes", which my mother has been trying to teach her to do for months now.  Emily makes me laugh so hard when she makes pretty eyes because she bats her eyes so slow it is almost just a slow blink, but it will do.

Potty training has lasped at the moment but I stopped trying to force Emily to go on the potty and am going to watch for signs that she is finally ready to be trained.  Diapers and trainers will forever be on my shopping list, at least so it seems.  Oh well, I just have to wait patiently for that one day when both girls are out of diapers and I can afford a manicure again.


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