Monday, January 17, 2011

Avery at 5 Months Old

Avery is 5 months old and has changed so much this past month.  She is more alert and aware of her surroundings and is rolling around.  My social butterfly likes to talk and smiles when someone comes up and says hello to her.  She has a beautiful little laugh and is very ticklish on her belly.  I can't believe it has already been five months since she entered our lives, it seems like just yesterday I was putting preemie clothes on her and now I am dressing her in size 6 month outfits.  Although she is still petite for her age she is now filling out in her face and body.  Avery has started to get little rolls in her thighs and she has thick feet and pudgy little toes. 

Teething is a current issue with "little bit", as her grandmother calls her, and she is constantly putting her fingers in her mouth and drooling.  I hope she pops a tooth out soon because teething has made her fussy and agitated.  I don't remember her big sister having this type of a reaction, but then again babies are all different.  We recently took Avery back to the doctor's office because she ran out of her nebulizer treatments and is still coughing up a storm.  Well her doctor diagnosed her with allergies but we have to wait until Avery is six months old until we can get her some anti-allergy medication.  If that doesn't help, then we may have to get rid of Gus and Rico because I would hate to keep bringing her back to her pediatrician.

Along with the teething, allergies and rolling around, Avery is now better at sitting in her bumbo chair and plays with the toy on her tray.  She is better at recognizing when someone is playing with her or speaking to her.  Miss grabby hands also grabs at everything her hands touch, so watch out with your hair or necklace because she has a firm grip.  You practically have to pry things out of her hand when she grabs hold of it.  She is really good at recognizing when something is right in front of her and will reach for it in an instant. 

Big sister is also loving on little sister more and more now.  Emily will try and hold on to her when you place Avery at her level.  She doesn't mind it so much anymore if you place Avery on her lap.  Kisses are everywhere and that means so are the germs.  I have to constantly watch Emily when playing around Avery because she likes to come up to little sister when she is on the floor and will give her kisses, well when that happens she accidently places her hand on Avery's belly and will push down for balance or she will try and lay on top of her for hugs.  Emy doesn't know her own strength but I am happy she loves her little sister and I am always excited when Avery gets excited when her big sister comes around.


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