Friday, August 27, 2010

11 Month Old Tiny Dancer

Our Emily is 11 months old and is changing and growing faster than we could have ever imagined.  She is becoming a delightful handful and a little show stopper with all her new developments and abilities.  Emily loves to dance and has started to not only bounce up and down but also shake her hips side to side.  Anytime she hears music she dances and when she hears a song she especially loves she not only bounces and shakes her booty but moves her hands to the beat as well.  It is the funniest thing every time!  Daddy's going to have to watch out for his little dancer, she gets the love of dancing from him.

Emily is mimicing more and more and has become a little problem-solver, or tries to be.  She watches very closely on how you do things and then tries to do them herself.  She has learned that her blocks not only go in the bucket but that each one has a place to fall through on top.  Her stack toys are no longer just rings to pull off and throw but can actually go back on the ring.  She doesn't know the sequence of which they have to go on but nonetheless it's a step in the right direction.  All of this observing is great for her development, but it also leads to curiosity that leads to fingers getting caught in drawers and mommy pulling out objects from her mouth that shouldn't be there.  I have to always make sure there aren't any small items that have fallen on the floor because she will always find them, even the tiniest bit of plastic looks tempting.  The good news is that she listens when you ask her to give you something she has in her hand or mouth.  The only time she does this is when she realizes that you have a serious tone in your voice.  Any other time it is hard to get her pay attention to your command.  She has selective hearing when it comes to getting her to put things down or stop pulling on cords.  Emily has a stubborn side and she laughs at you when you try to get upset at her.  Mommy and daddy are teaching her discipline, but with Emily, she learns only on her own terms.

Along with dancing and mimicing, Emily now has two more teeth that are growing alongside her upper incisors.  We never had to deal with teething problems before, Emily fussed a little now and then, but this time it is a whole different story.  Teething is now creating sleep problems for her and she constantly has her fingers in her mouth, which bothers me because she is crawling everywhere.  Along with the sleep problems she has also become inreasingly whiny and seems to cry at nothing at times.  Tylenol and Orajel are mommy's best friends at the moment.

Baby sister Avery is now in Emily's life and it has been a big transition for her.  At first she didn't like that mommy was holding a new baby, she would try and climb all over me as if the baby wasn't even in my arms, but as the days go on she becomes better at waiting her turn.  The only time she throws a fit is when she is really tired and needs a nap or is ready for sleep, then she wants to be mommy's one and only.  It is going to be hard but I'm sure Emily will grow to love her sister and may always want her around.  For now she enjoys giving baby Avery kisses on top of her head.  So precious! 


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