Friday, July 23, 2010

Baby Talk and Preschool

Emily will be turning 10 months on Sunday which means her first birthday is right around the corner.  Mom is already making plans to throw her a big birthday bash with the help of the grandparents and aunties.  Not only is her birthday in the works, but mommy and daddy have decided to place Emily and her sister in daycare when I go back to work in October.  Up until now our close friend who lives down the street has been watching Emy everyday but Brian and I have always planned on placing her in a daycare when she turned a year old to get socialization skills and be in a learning environment. 

We found a place called Legacy Preschool on Moore Street that takes infants from 6 weeks to 4 years old and also has an after school program.  It is a brand new facility with new equipment and very experienced directors and teachers.  After visiting the Preschool we knew it was the place for Emily to attend so we signed her up and are excited she will be going to school there in the Fall.  Amongst getting socialization skills she will also be on routine schedule and learning simple toddler skills as well as baby sign language.  Emily's little sister will be attending as well and will be in the classroom right next door, so mommy and daddy will have an easy time taking both of them and picking them up. 

Good news...Emily now says Dada and has made daddy so happy.  From one week to the next she added mama and dada to her vocabulary, and she also has a new tooth.  One of her top incisors has poked through and the one next to it is almost out.  With this new development I am wondering if I should start her on soft chunky baby food.  She already eats baby puffs and can bite her rice cakes so I'm sure she will be ready for soft food.  I'll have to try it out and see how she reacts, although I'm sure she will love it since she is always trying to feed herself and has a healthy appettite.

What more does this little gem have in store for us?  I'm sure lots more...I'm hoping her next word will be baby since her baby sister will be here in approximately 5 weeks.  I had a doctor appointment yesterday and am already dilated 1cm.  We will have a sonogram next week to see the growth and development of the baby.  Still no name, but working vigorously on that so there will be one soon.

Here are some pictures of Emily banging on the back door while daddy waters the plants.  She screams at the dogs.

My growing girl

Banging on the door

Look at all that new hair


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