Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Two Months Old

Month two has brought significant changes for Emily as she now has better control of her head and is more alert and active than ever.  The best part is her beautiful smile which is shown when mommy and daddy talk to her and make goofy faces.  A couple of days ago Emily had her two-month check up and she now weighs 11 lb. 6 oz. and is 23.25 in. long.  I get a little blue when I have to take out clothes that she's grown out of and put them away in plastic bins marked NEWBORN.  My baby is growing so fast...but it's good to know that she is healthy and growing as she should.

New developments this month include being placed in her Baby Bijorn for the first time,which is a great help to Brian when he's busy and she wants to be held.

Emily also baby talks much more now and will respond when you ask her a question (it's all about the tone).  It's hilarious!  And she gets so excited and pumps her little legs and then gets the hiccups, which the doctor said is normal, of course it seems as though everything of concern is normal.

There is also this funny thing she does with her hand where she places it on her cheek as if she were thinking or bored when she is either sleeping or eating.  I've noticed it since she was born but always thought her hand just laid that way because she liked having her hands near her face, but now that she's older she still places her hand on her cheek.  I've only gotten to snap a picture of it once.

Emily also likes to stick her tongue out alot, so much so that my dad asked me if I took Reglan during pregnancy.  He's been seeing these commercials that a lawfirm has for this drug which has side affects which include involuntary tongue thrusting, but don't worry, I never took it and I can guarantee that her tongue thrusting is voluntary, she likes to play with her gums.

She is also looking more and more like her daddy everyday.  Her eyes are still blue which I am hoping stay that way but have been told to wait until the sixth month.  If her eyes are still blue by then, chances are they will stay blue.

Mommy went back to work yesterday and left Emily with the babysitter for the first time.  I got updates all day and was told she was a perfect angel and was enjoyable.  Our babysitter lives right down the street from us so I feel very comfortable leaving her knowing she is so close to home.  I think about her all day and then rush home to see her, even daddy rushed home yesterday, he got to the sitter's house before I did.


andievic said...

Oh, Emily is just growing up so fast, I can't wait to see her again. Just wait I'll be going home soon, on December the 15th actually. I will admit, the first picture looks a little scary, like a little doll, but she's still so cute.

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