Thursday, February 20, 2014

Day at the Museum of Science and History

Emily came up to us one day and decided she wanted to go to the museum after watching an episode of Peppa Pig.  She and Avery have been before with Nonna and Alyssa and she wanted to go back to see the dinosaurs.  So on a free weekend we went to the Museum of Natural Science and History.  The last time I was there I was in grammar school and was expecting it to be as big as I remembered but to my surprise it was rather small.

When we arrived we went to the rock collection and reptile exhibit.  I was very happy to see the girls being open minded and putting aside their fears.  Nonna said they wouldn't dare go near the reptile exhibit when she took them but this time they even tried touching the different textures.

After skipping the gun ammo exhibit we came across the dinosaur exhibit which was all of two skeletons on display.  Apparently the museum is working on their dinosaur exhibit but at least we have something to look forward to next time we visit.

We got around to the place where they keep the ships and explain how Corpus Christi was discovered and founded.  Emily thought the ship was the Jolly Roger, which is Captain Hook's ship on the show Jake and the Neverland Pirates.  I'm glad she could relate somewhat.

I showed her what the first people to reach our coast looked like and she took one look at the man and said, "It's Jesus!"  Not quite, but I can see the resemblance.

I couldn't avoid the children's section because it is right in the center of the museum.  I had planned on leaving that for last, but we got to be hands on with all the neat puzzles.

I managed to get them away for a little bit to take them on a tour of the rest of the museum.  We learned about our local native Indians, the Karankawa Indians.  We also saw what our local cowboys used to ranch in our area.  My favorite part of the whole museum are the replica items from the early 1900's, which Emily and Avery thought was a big dollhouse.  It was hard to get them not to try and go behind the glass.

Before the museum closed we went back to the children's place and played our hearts out.  It was nice to have the place to ourselves.

Where to go after a great time at the museum, the park , of course.  We always have fun at the park!


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