Thursday, September 15, 2011

Avery at 13 Months Old

Avery is blossoming and aborbing information like a sponge.  This month brings big boosts in vocabulary due in part because Avery watches and listens closely to her big sister Emily.  For the past couple of weeks Avery has had a nasty cough that she can't get rid of so mommy had to take her to her pediatrician.  After our appointment was over and the doctor handed me the perscription to be filled, she waved goodbye and I told Avery to say "Thanks you" and loud and clear she recited, "Tank tu" to her doctor.  The pediatrician was floored and could not believe her ears, she thought Avery was so smart and I was so proud of my baby.  Avery has actually been saying thank you for about a month now.  Thank you is one of the expressions that is being taught to her in sign language and her teachers enforce the words and gesture whenever the opportunity arises.  Avery doesn't do the sign yet but she sure can say the words clear enough to decipher what she is saying.  Other words she has learned are: up, again, open, and all done.

My stubborn little girl isn't walking yet and has not officially stood by herself although I have seen her stand without support for a good 3 seconds and then she will either sit or grab something nearby.  If I try and make her stand solo she will not have it and automatically sits down.  Eventually her confidence will build and then she will learn that if she can stand by herself then she will be able to walk by herself.  Patience is key and that is why I practice all the time with her but am not pushing her to walk, walk, walk.  Plus she is still getting practice at school.  I'm just going to cherish these last days of having my little one crawl everywhere.  As much as Avery seems a little timid in walking she isn't timid in trying to do other stunts.  The other day I caught her standing on a little box of books just wide enough for her feet.  She kept getting up and down and experimenting with standing on one foot.  I had to take a snapshot of her acrobatics and then I quickly went to snatch up her before she fell.

Sisterly love is growing rapidly and no one can make Avery laugh as much as Emily.  Big sister loves to tickle her little sister and it does the trick to making Avery laugh and laugh and laugh.  Of course mommy has to watch carefully because as quick as one is to laugh the emotion can quickly change to one crying.  The girls are not aware of flying limbs and body strength quite yet.  Bodily harm aslo happens when someone doesn't get their way. Recently Avery has learned that if Emily is being too rough all she has to do is try and bite her and it gets Emily to stop.  Emily will shout to me, "Momma, sissa bite" and I'll say "Tell sister no biting".  I ove to see and hear Emily wag her finger and then shout, "Sissa, no, no, no, bite!"  Besides biting Avery has also learned about pinching, from where, I have no idea but if she is upset or doesn't get the attention she seeks she pinches my arm.  Goodness, I hope I don't have a bully on my hands.  I've gotta nip in this the bud right now, but it is really hard not to laugh sometimes, especially when the bad behavior comes from someone so small and looking harmless.  It will be done though, I promise!

Still wanting her baba!!

Look mom..I did it!
Now look, one foot!

Holding on for dear life...
Avery loves riding with her big sister


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