Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Avery at 11 Months Old

It is amazing at how much a child can grow in a month.  Looking back at last months 10 month old blog, Avery sure has come a long way with her words and recognition.  She now says "ba ba" for bottle and will let you know when she wants her baba.  It feels so good to know what she wants when she speaks.  She has added a variation of sister to her vocabulary as well and will try and repeat what you say by staring at your mouth.  If she wants sister Emily to play with her all she has to do is yell in a playful manner and she knows she will grab Emily's attention. 

Now that Avery is older it has occurred to me at how different she is from Emily.  I know all children are different but my kids seem completely opposite in their growth development.  When it comes to teething, Emily got a little fussy and maybe had the occasional low grade fever, but with Avery teething is a nightmare.  She is with fever for days, is very restless, seldom talkes a bottle and wants to be held the whole time.  It is always a difficult time for us when a tooth is coming in, which reminds me, Avery acquired two more teeth this month.  Her lateral incisors have made their appearance and came with gusto bringing along 5 days of fever.  Thank God Nonna is on summer vacation or else we'd be in trouble.  I just hope as time goes on the low grade fever episodes disappear altogether.

Another difference is food are likes and dislikes.  Avery is such a good eater and isn't picky unlike her sister who will only eat carbs and fruit.  Avery on the other hand has already started to eat meats and vegetables but doesn't really care for potatoes or rice, something Emily can't live without.  I am so glad I don't have two picky eaters, Avery makes life easier, I never have to make special meals for her and she gobbles everything on her plate.  Now that she has six teeth in her tiny mouth she wants more solid food.  Baby food is completely out the window along with formula.  Our baby phase is getting shorter and shorter.  When Avery reaches a her year milestone, baby bottles are next to be chunked in the trash.

Speaking of her first year milestone Avery's first birthday party plans are in the works and we can't wait for the big day.  She doesn't like any Nick Jr. characters like Emily does because she doesn't really pay attention to tv shows, so we aren't doing a theme this year.  Instead mommy is going to get a pink moonjump castle and fill our backyard with bright and color butterflies and balloons, even if daddy despises pink. 



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