Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Avery at 6 Months Old

Today Avery had her 6 month checkup and vaccinations. She weighs 14lb. 2 oz. and 26 in. long and is right on track with her development.  The pediatrician was delighted that Avery could go from a sit up position to a stand up position when tugging on her hands.  Avery was charming as she cooed and ahhed and smiled for the doctor and her assistant.  Milestones hit this month include grasping objects and transfering them from hand to hand as well as turning her head to sounds.  She can also sit with assistance such as her boppy or mommy's legs or even Emily.

Avery has had allergy problems since she was around three months old and hasn't been able to shake off the bad cough she developed.  Today we got a perscription for Zyrtec and hopefully this will be able to help her get over her allergies, although she still needs to use her inhaler when she has coughing fits.  My baby got three shots and an oral vaccination along with a finger prick to check her hemoglobin levels.  Of course she cried with the shots but she got over it quickly.  Afterwards her doctor came back and told me her iron levels were low, so I will be giving her a multivitamin with iron in a liquid form for three months.  We go back next month to make sure that she is doing well on the medication and to check her iron levels.

This month Avery will be starting on solid food so mommy bought her some rice cereal and some bananas, sweet potatoes, green beans and carrots.  So far Avery likes the sweet potatoes but made a face when she tried the bananas.  I think she will open up as she gets older.  She has done really well with the new tastes and hasn't had any allergic reactions as of yet.  Avery is still on formula and will be until she turns a year old but we can start giving her water and juices, although I'll probably wait to give her juice until she is older.

I am so proud of our itty bitty! We sit her in her walker and bouncer and she does really well and will play with her toys.  Her daycare teachers tell me that she is very alert and interacts when engaged.  Lately she has been laughing and giggling when Emily jumps in front of her, she loves it.  Avery loves to be on her belly and I'm sure she will want to start crawling within the next month.  She already rolls in her sleep and has very strong leg kicks.  Mommy takes Avery and Emily on wagon rides through the neighborhood and Avery loves them so much she usually falls asleep by the end of the ride.  When Avery is really excited she does a small high pitch scream and her eyes light up.  She is so adorable!

Laughing at herself in the mirror

Daddy feeding Avery bananas

Not sure she's liking bananas

Bananas are sour

Can we try something else?


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