Thursday, May 27, 2010

8 Months Old

Emily Mae turned 8 months old on May 25th and she is developing at lightning speed, or so it seems.  Every week she shows a little more personality, hits a new milestone, or discovers something new about the world around her. 

As I wrote in my last blog, I discovered her first two teeth were starting to poke through her gums.  Well now her teeth (central incisors) have fully erupted from her gums and are noticable when she opens her mouth.  Emily has also discovered that she has something new in her mouth because I always catch her biting her upper lip, sometimes she does it long enough to leave a little red mark, it looks almost as if she has lipstick on.

Now that her teeth have come in, Emily discovered that she can bite items easier, so our food range has stretched a bit to include semi-soft food.  She absolutely loves bread and can eat yogurt bites, but hasn't hit the stage of solid food.  Sippy cups are a must for dinner time and only filled with water.  I haven't allowed her to taste juice yet, although I may introduce it to her in the next month or so, that is unless the grandparents beat me to it.  Emily loves drinking from a drinking glass, she thinks it's hilarious and likes to try to get the ice.  But watch out, she's miss grabby hands now and will take hold of anything near her.

Rolling over from front to back is now a completed milestone after months of dealing with the stuck arm.  Crawling is still in progress, she still hates to be on her belly but is getting much stronger in her arms to where she is actually pushing herself backwards instead of going forwards.  After getting nowhere she screams in frustration and is ready to call it quits.  She still loves to bounce but has now learned when you are going to let go of her and place her in her jumperoo, at which point she clings on for dear life and wails.  After a couple of seconds of feeling that jumping sensation she becomes okay with being let go, but forget the standing entertainer, she hates it.

Emily's voice is getting stronger and louder everyday.  She tests her pipes out when she wakes up in the morning, starting out with soft almost inaudible little screams that develop quite rapidly into high pitch shrieking.  Blah blah blah is her vocabulary right now although it sounds like da da da sometimes, I always ignore hearing that last one in hopes its ma ma ma first.  Emily may not have the words to express herself but you definitely know what she wants by her gestures.  When she doesn't want to be placed somewhere she starts to do what I call the booty dance, where her little booty starts to bounce up and down to try and get out of wherever it is your placing her.  I try to be stern and tell her "No" whenever she starts but you can't help but laugh, she looks too cute.  When someone she wants leaves the room she calls out for them in this loud warning cry, not so much with tears, but more like she's trying to boss you back into the room.

As of now Emily is sleeping through the night, although she has the occasion midnight wakeup, but for the most part is getting almost 12 hours of non-stop sleep.  She can't go from a laydown to sit down position without help yet, but when that happens her crib mattress will need to be placed a notch down.  If I sit her in her crib to play I have to watch her.  She can no longer be left alone.  The other day I noticed she learned to grab hold of the railing and pull herself up to look over the side.  Talk about having a heart attack.

Stranger anxiety is now in the picture but is not in full mode at this time.  Emily has no problem going with people she is around all the time, including her grandparents, aunts, uncle, godfather and babysitter, but anyone other than that gets an evil stare and then her bottom lip juts out to warn of a cry coming on.  She now puts her arms out if she wants you to carry her and clings to me if she doesn't want the other person to come near her.

In the next couple of months, Brian and I will be baby proofing our house in preparation for a crawling and walking infant who is already curious about the world around her.  With another baby coming in 3 months we need to make life a little easier.

Watching the Golden Girls
Loving her first bouncy ball

Checking out the tomatoes from daddy's garden
Squishing the tomatoes from daddy's garden

Discovering the texture of grass


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