Thursday, February 11, 2010

4 Months Old

Emily turned 4 months old on January 25th and had her doctors appointment on February 1st.  She got her vaccinations, an oral and two shots, one on each leg.  I felt so bad for her but she took it so well.  After the inital prick she let out a cry which lasted about two minutes, then she put on her mad "how dare you let them hurt me" face and then she was fine. 

Miss Emily was 14lb. 12 oz and 26 in. long, which puts her in the 98th percentile for height.  Man did she jump that curve.  I always thought she looked long when other people carried her and now I have the confirmation. 

New and excited milestones at 4 months include tucking in her top lip and blowing spit out of her mouth, this is somehow fascinating to her, it must be the noise she makes.  Her hand eye coordination is getting much better, she can now reach for something and grab it without taking 5 minutes and making whiny sounds of frustration.  Emily is so much better at tummy time and now is heading towards crawling but doesn't know how to get her body to move in the direction she wants, but you can hear her trying by all those grunting sounds.  During bath time she has finally learned how to grab the rubber ducky in the water although this causes lots of splashing and mommy looking like she fell in the tub.  Later this month mommy and daddy are going to get Emily a standing entertainer to help her with her standing abilities and give her more visual stimulation, not to mention it will help mommy a great deal when cooking.

Here are some pics to show how big she's gotten and also some from cousin Giana's first birthday party:

Doesn't she look thrilled?

Tyring out Giana's standing saucer

Look at those beautiful baby blues!

Loving the hats


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