Friday, October 17, 2014

End of Summer Family Trip to Concan

Labor Day weekend is the official end of summer in most people's books.  Most kids are back to school and back to the grind of school routines.  We decided at the last minute to go with the family on their last trip to the Frio River and Concan.  We have never taken the girls because they aren't very adventurous and I didn't think they were ready for it, but we took a chance this year.  At this time most of the vacationers are back at home and Concan isn't as crowded as it is during peak times.  Papa and Nonna took their camper and Uncle Garrett took his so we could stay with him.  The trip up there wasn't as bad as I thought and we tried to keep the girls as occupied as possible.  We had a late start and arrived at 8pm as the sun was going down.  Emily asked if we were there constantly the last hour of the trip.  After setting up and eating dinner we all hit the sack to get an early start the next day.

When we awoke the next morning the girls were so excited and were ready to explore.  They walked around the campsite and took in nature.  They had so many questions about all the vegetation and the mountains.  After breakfast we lathered up with sunscreen and headed down to the river which wasn't far from our campsite.  We were on the opposite side of Garner State Park so we went into the river by the park.  The water was cold but not as cold as it usually is which was great in my opinion.  Small rocks by the dam made for some great little falls but were really slippery.  Avery loved watching all the people try to cross over the rocks.  When I asked why she was staring at them she said she liked watching them fall.  Sure enough most of the people who crossed slipped on the same spot on the rocks and Avery would just throw her head back and laugh.  For the first hour or so in the water we dragged the girls around the river and explored the small falls until Emily started getting cranky.  Once she was ready to get out she made you understand she was ready to go.  We all headed back at lunch time and then went back to the river in the afternoon.  It had recently rained a little north of us and the water became murky with the current.  Emily hated that the water was dirty.  Avery could care less, she loved it at the dam.

The next day we went to visit Mrs. Hill at her family place and went to swim at a private section of the river.  That part of the river is spring fed so the water was so cold.  It took a minute or two or three to get used to it.  Both girls loved the water falling over the small dam and Avery loved walking about to find small pools of water.  The water was clear there and there were small fish swimming around us.  Emily loved this area but Avery got tired of the coldness pretty fast.  She became temperamental after about an hour and a half of swimming.  We took out lunch and she got a second burst of energy.  Both girls had a great time.

The next day we packed up and went home.  Overall the girls had a great time and are ready to go camping again next year.  Maybe Papa and Nonna will have a spot of their own up at the river.


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