Friday, August 22, 2014

San Antonio Trip

Aunt Laura and Uncle Hector completed 40 years of marriage and in celebration were going to have a vow renewal in San Antonio at their favorite hotel The Sheraton Gunter.  Daddy had to work that weekend but I decided we should still go because we had family coming in that we hadn't seen in a very long time.  The girls were excited for the fancy ball and I was excited for a nice little getaway.  We stayed with Andrea for a night and then checked into the hotel the next day.  We had time before the big party to go to the Children's Museum of San Antonio and explore.  Everyone really enjoyed themselves and it was a great way to spend some time out of the heat.  We went up to our room and got dressed after our exploration was complete and spiffed ourselves up.  The vow renewal was beautiful and everyone looked great.  Emily and Avery were doing well so far and I couldn't have been prouder to show off my two joys.  We all sat down at our table after cocktail hour was over and they started to play a little light music.  Then the mariachi band came in as is expected at our family events.  I can't believe I forgot about Emily's loud noise problem.  They came over to our table and played a song and she flipped out.  Cried the whole time they sang and held her ears.  Avery was more tolerant and just stared at them.  After they left Emily asked non-stop to go up to the room.  I told her to wait a little and Andrea took them on short strolls to the lounge area.  Once dinner was over and the dance music started Emily was really asking to go up to the room.  I got about 5 dances in and Avery got in some dancing time with Apa, which she absolutely loved.  Around 8:30 pm Emily just couldn't take it anymore and we retired for the night.  I am going to have to work on this noise problem or always carry earplugs with me.


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